Archiv für den Tag: 22. Oktober 2018

Taylor Phinney extends with EF Pro Cycling for 2019

Come 2019 Taylor Phinney will be crushing cobbles at the Spring Classics with EF Pro Cycling as he will return to the team next season. As Phinney eases into his off-season we chat about the drama of the Hell of the North, how the Tour de France is like playing Call of Duty, and superpowers.
Take us through this year, what’s been the highs and lows?
From a professional standpoint the highlight of my year was definitely Paris-Roubaix and being a factor in that race. I’ve wanted to be up there and wanted to be riding with those guys for my whole career, so it was cool to have the stars align for that one and have a good day.
I always enjoy the Tour de France and finishing always feels good, although this time wasn’t so great finishing with a broken face, so I didn’t have as much energy to celebrate. I had to go to visit the doctor the next day, but I don’t even think that was a low point; there haven’t really been any.
Why do you like Paris-Roubaix so much?
I think I always had a strong passion towards Paris-Roubaix, there’s just something about that race. There’s a level of drama it has that doesn’t exist in any other race on the calendar. It was always the race that I looked forward to watching before I started racing it. I mean the races in Belgium are part of the same family and they fit into the same category but in my eyes they’re just not on the same level as Paris-Roubaix.
But if you talk to Italians or Belgians, Tour of Flanders is the be-all-and-end all and Paris-Roubaix is just an afterthought for whatever reason. But Paris-Roubaix is the jam and I think it’s sort of the last type of race that I can be good at. In this sport you see the trend of the races are changing and getting harder and hillier and more suited to smaller riders. So we kind of have these last races to hang onto to hope to do well at, for me that’s Paris-Roubaix. It’s the one race I do all year which I’m not at a weight disadvantage, because I just weigh a lot more than everybody else being 6 ft 5.

What’s the craziest thing you’ve seen in the peloton this year?
Probably the Tour de France tear gas day, that was the craziest thing. Yeah, that was a trip, I felt like I was in a video game. It was like I was playing Call of Duty or something, because you went through this protest they broke up and then all of a sudden you’re like, ‘I can’t breathe’ and then you’re having trouble seeing and everyone else is coughing around you. The old alarm bells start to ring in your head, you’re like: “What the hell is happening?”
You’ve extended with the team. How have you found riding for EF Pro Cycling this year?
I mean I love it, there’s no other team that I could envision myself racing for in the professional peloton. I feel like I can be honest with everyone around me and myself, and there’s not a ton of expectations thrown on you, on what you need to be and what you need to look like, and how you need to act. They just let you explore yourself and let you be who you want to be.
The team obviously want to win races and do well and that’s a priority, but there’s not this cookie cutter that you need to be a certain way or ride your bike a certain to be on the team, which you’ll find on a lot of other programmes.
When you heard about some of the new, offbeat races the team will line up for next year, what did you think?
I think that it is the greatest thing ever. I mean when we were first hearing little rumours about the change and that Rapha wanted to come on board, it felt like all these different ideas that I had been talking about with friends, all these adventures I had been thinking about, it was like someone had read my mind.
If you were able to shotgun a race next year, which one would it be?
Dirty Kanza! I would really like to do Dirty Kanza.
Describe EF Pro Cycling team in one word…
If you could have any superpower what would it be?
There’s a lot of responsibility in that question. I mean, my gut instinct is to say I’d like to fly but that is kinda selfish. Actually I think I’d like to be like the moon and manipulate the tides. I’m not sure what I would be able to do with that but I’m sure I’d be able to figure something out.
It doesn’t have to just be the sea, it could be water in general…
Yeah, because inside your body is 70% water, if I could manipulate that, you know how weird I could make people feel all the time, it would be dope. I think I actually just created a new superhero [still to be named].
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Peter Sagan & BORA – hansgrohe-Teamkollegen in Osttirol

In der kommenden Woche gastiert das komplette WorldTeam BORA – hansgrohe mit allen 27 Profis in Osttirol. Das Teamcamp in Lienz, wo die Neuzugänge erstmals zur Mannschaft stoßen, steht unter dem Motto Teambuilding und Kraft tanken vor der Winterpause. Auf dem Programm stehen eine Klettertour in der Galitzenklamm, Biathlon in Obertilliach und einige Runden am neuen Bike Trail in Lienz.

BORA – hansgrohe war in dieser Saison eine der erfolgreichsten Mannschaften im internationalen Radsport. Neben den drei Etappensiegen des dreifachen Weltmeisters Peter Sagan bei der Tour de France und seinem Triumph bei Paris-Roubaix schaffte auch Gregor Mühlberger auf der sechsten Etappe der Binck Bank Tour seinen ersten World Tour-Sieg. Gestern verpasste der Oberösterreicher Felix Großschartner bei der letzten WorldTour-Rundfahrt des Jahres, der Tour of Guangxi in China, mit Rang zwei nur knapp seinen ersten Rundfahrtserfolg auf allerhöchster Ebene.

Alle Profis des Teams, inklusive den Neuzugängen Maximilian Schachmann, Oscar Gatto und Jempy Drucker, sowie der komplette Betreuerstab gastieren von morgen (23. Oktober) bis zum 27. Oktober im Grand Hotel Lienz. „Das Teamcamp bildet jedes Jahr den Abschluss einer langen Rennsaison. Im Vorjahr waren wir zum ersten Mal in Lienz und wir freuen uns sehr auf eine entspannte Woche, wo nicht nur unsere Radprofis im Blickpunkt stehen. Das Teamcamp ist auch eine Art Dankeschön an alle Mitarbeiter, die Tag für Tag im Hintergrund arbeiten“, sagt Teamchef Ralph Denk.
Von Klettern bis Bike Trail
Das Programm für die die BORA – hansgrohe-Crew inklusive der 27 Radprofis ist sehr umfangreich und reicht von Klettern in der Galitzenklamm bis Biathlon in der nordischen Hochburg Oberitlliach, einem Kino- und Jazzabend und am Freitag wagen sich alle über den neuen Bike Trail in Lienz. „Ich denke, wir haben ein sehr abwechslungsreiches Programm für das Top-Team auf die Beine gestellt. Besonders freut es mich, dass neben den vier BORA – hansgrohe-Österreichern Felix Großschartner, Patrick Konrad, Gregor Mühlberger und Lukas Pöstlberger auch der dreifache Weltmeister Peter Sagan nach Osttirol kommt“, sagt TVB-Obmann Franz Theurl, der betont: „Osttirol ist seit zwei Jahren Tourismuspartner von BORA – hansgrohe und diese Partnerschaft hat sich für beide Seiten sehr bezahlt gemacht. Die Profis konnten sich heuer im Zuge von zwei Höhentrainingslagern optimal für die Saison in Form bringen und unsere Marke wird weltweit hinausgetragen. Und sehr gespannt bin ich, was die Profis zum soeben fertiggestellten Bike-Trail am Hochstein sagen. Sie werden erstmals die neue Sektion von der Sternalm zur Moosalm testen.“
MR PR – Martin Roseneder
Tel.: +43 664 913 76 77