Euregio Cycling Photo Award

Dear Friends,
we are extremely glad to inform you that tomorrow, Thursday June 20th, at 11h00am CET, the photo exhibition “Tour of the Alps: Euregio seen from the bike” will be officially opened. The cycling event organized between Tirol, South Tyrol and Trentino, that has proved so effective in the promotion of the territories, is the main protagonist of the exhibition of the best photos captured during the 2019 edition of the event, held from 22nd to 26th of April.

The exhibition will be open until the end of August (free entrance) at Brenner’s Plessi Museum, in the building of the former custom between Italy and Austria, now a symbol of the cross-border cooperation. The exhibition is an initiative organized in collaboration with A22 Autostrada del Brennero, the company that manages the Brenner Highway, known as “The Bridge to Europe”, thanks to its role of liaison between Italy and the rest of Europe. Due to the high number of travelers expected in the summer period, the exposition will have several thousands of visitors throughout the whole period.

We’re very pleased to inform you that one your shots will be featured in the exhibition and wish to thank you for participating to the “Euregio Cycling Photo Award” contest.

The winner was Tim De Waele, well-known Belgian photoreporter whose huge archive of over 375,000 images was acquired by the London’s photo agency Getty Images, for which De Waele currently works.
We wish to thank you for the high consideration showed to our event, hoping you will keep on covering the race over the years and displaying its unbelievable beauties through your shots.
Yours in sports,

Giacomo Santini
President of GS Alto Garda
Tour of the Alps Organizing Company