Archiv für den Tag: 15. April 2020


Following the President’s address on Monday evening, where large-scale events were banned in France until mid-July as a part of the fight against the spread of COVID-19, the organisers of the Tour de France, in agreement with the Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI), have decided to postpone the Tour de France to Saturday 29th August to Sunday 20th September 2020.

Initially scheduled to take place from the 27th June to the 19th July, the Tour de France will follow the same route, with no changes, from Nice to Paris.
Over the last few weeks, there has been constant communication between riders, teams, the organisers as well as other relevant third parties all with the support of the UCI, who are responsible for arranging a new global cycling schedule, in which the Tour de France takes pride of place.

The organisers of the Tour de France are in regular contact with and have reached agreement with all of the different parties involved, from the local communities to the public authorities.
The women’s event, La Course by le Tour de France avec FDJ, which was initially scheduled to take place on the 19th July on the Champs Elysées, will also be postponed to a date that is still to be determined, but it will take place during the Tour de France 2020. Equally, the 30th edition of the Etape du Tour cyclosportive, originally schedule to take place on the 5th July, will be postponed to a date yet to be determined.

We would like to thank all of cycling’s stakeholders, the Tour de France’s partners, its broadcasters as well as all of the local authorities for their reactivity and their support. We all hope that the 2020 Tour de France will help to turn the page on the difficult period that we are currently experiencing.

DM 100km 2er Mannschaft 1983 am Reichelsdorfer Keller

Das Foto ist eine schöne, wie auch gleichzeitig traurige Erinnerung für mich.
Günter Kobek und Reinhold Kleebaum wurden im Sommer 1983 vor den Donike Brüdern Deutscher Meister im 2er Mannschaftsfahren der Amateure über 100km.
Leider verunglückte Günter Kobek am 30.10.2016 tödlich, als ein 82-Jähriger Autofahrer ihn auf der Landstraße mit seinem Rennrad übersah und mit ihm kollidierte.

Text und Fotos: Gerhard Plomitzer