Schlagwort-Archive: Christian Lichtenberg

Lidl Deutschland Tour 2024 – 2. Etappe Heilbronn – Schwäbisch Gmünd 175km

Pedersen verteilt keine Geschenke und schlägt Geburtstagskind Johannessen im Sprint

Plomi Foto

Das Team Lidl-Trek war auch auf der 2. Etappe der Lidl Deutschland Tour 2024 nicht zu schlagen. Mads Pedersen löste dabei seinen Teamkollegen Jonathan Milan sowohl als Tagessieger als auch als neuer Mann im Blauen Trikot ab. Der Däne gewann nach 174,6 Kilometern in Schwäbisch Gmünd den Sprint eines Trios vor Tobias Halland Johannessen (Uno-X Mobility), der seinen 25. Geburtstag feierte, und Archie Ryan (EF Education – EasyPost).

Sechs Sekunden dahinter führte Danny van Poppel (Red Bull – Bora – Hansgrohe) die große Verfolgergruppe ins Ziel, aus der sich die Spitze auf dem Weg zum Bonussprint anderthalb Kilometer vor dem Ziel gelöst hatte. „Wir wussten, dass das Finale heute hart wird. Nicht superhart, aber schwer genug, um den Unterschied zu machen“, erklärte Sieger Pedersen, der seinen ersten Sieg bei der Deutschland Tour einfuhr. „Wir waren heute auf beide Szenarien vorbereitet – also auf die Karte Johnny und auf meine. Das Rennen wurde aber schwerer als erwartet und die Attacken starteten auch früher. Das spielte mir in die Karten. Ich hatte die Erlaubnis, die Angriffe mitzugehen, weil wir ja hinten immer noch Johnny in der Gruppe hatten.“ Darüber hinaus machte Pedersen deutlich, mit welchen Ambitionen Lidl-Trek angereist ist. „Wir sind hier, um alle Etappen zu gewinnen. Und mit der Gesamtführung im Rücken werden wir versuchen, auch die zu verteidigen. Wir haben dazu die Möglichkeiten.“

Zwölf Sekunden Vorsprung hat Pedersen nach drei Tagen nun auf den neuen Zweiten Johannessen. Ethan Hayter (Ineos Grenadiers) ist mit 21 Sekunden Rückstand Dritter, zeitgleich vor den beiden EF-Profis Ryan und Stefan Bissegger. Bester Deutscher im Gesamtklassement ist aktuell Florian Stork (Tudor Pro Cycling Team) als 13. mit 28 Sekunden Rückstand. In der Tageswertung nahm Jonas Rutsch (EF Education – EasyPost) als Siebenter diese Position ein.

Von Beginn an wurde das dritte Teilstück der Rundfahrt offensiver gefahren als noch der Tag zuvor. Unmittelbar nach dem scharfen Start in Erlenbach wurden die ersten Attacken gesetzt, letztlich konnten sich Miguel Heidemann (Deutsche Nationalmannschaft), Dawit Yemane (Bike Aid) und Dario Igor Belletta (Visma |Lease a Bike) einen Vorsprung von zwischenzeitlich mehr als drei Minuten herausarbeiten. Yemane sicherte sich die erste Bergwertung in Löwenstein und legte damit den Grundstein für die Übernahme des Bergtrikots.

Im steilen Anstieg nach Lauterburg 45 Kilometer vor dem Ziel wurden die Ausreißer eingeholt. Eine neue vierköpfige Gruppe mit Jørgen Nordhagen (Visma | Lease a Bike), Toms Skujins (Lidl-Trek), Kevin Vermaerke (Team dsm-firmenich PostNL) und Ryan bildete sich. Etwas mehr als eine halbe Minute konnten sie sich herausfahren. Als der finale Rundkurs, auf dem 17.500 Zuschauer bei bestem Sommerwetter die Profis anfeuerten, 22 Kilometer vor dem Ziel erreicht wurde, sprangen auf dem Weg zur ersten Zieldurchfahrt weitere Fahrer an die Spitze. Als es auf die letzte Runde ging, bildeten 25 Fahrer die Gruppe.

Die wurde drei Kilometer vor dem Ziel wieder vom Hauptfeld aufgefahren. Doch während hinten der Zusammenschluss hergestellt wurde, ging vorne bereits wieder die Post ab. Das Trio um Pedersen hatte am Bonussprint eine kleine Lücke herausgefahren, die aufgrund der kurzen Restdistanz aber reichen sollte, um den Sieg unter sich auszumachen.


1. Pedersen, M. (Lidl-Trek)
2. Johannessen, T. (Uno-X Mobility) +00“
3. Ryan, A. (EF Education – EasyPost) +01“
4. Van Poppel, D., (Red Bull-BORA-hansgrohe) +06“


1. Pedersen, M. (Lidl-Trek) 8h45’11“
2. Johannessen, T. (Uno-X Mobility) +12“
3. Hayter, E. (Ineos Grenadiers) +21“
4. Bissegger, S. (EF Education – EasyPost) +21“

ZDF und Radsport – auf Nimmerwiedersehen!

Hallo, wunderbar gemacht liebes ZDF,
stellt Euch vor es ist Fußball und in der 89. Minute wird die Übertragung abgebrochen weil es 17 Uhr ist und die Nachrichten pünktlich erscheinen müssen…..genauso habt ihr es gestern gemacht bei der D-Tour kurz vor dem packenden Zielsprint in Heilbronn. Unfassbar!
Nicht alle Menschen in D haben einen livestream zur Verfügung, ich bitte das zu bedenken. Bei keiner anderen Sportart könnte man sich das erlauben.
Auf Nimmerwiedersehen ZDF und Radsport.
Oder hat das ZDF eine Vereinbarung mit Discovery+ getroffen, um dort die Abonennten zu erhören?


Lidl Deutschland Tour 2024 – 1. Etappe Schweinfurt – Heilbronn 176km

1 Milan Jonathan Lidl-Trek 04:16:17
2 Meeus Jordi Red Bull-BORA-hansgrohe + 00
3 Kanter Max Astana Qazaqstan Team + 00
4 Kristoff Alexander Uno-X Mobility + 00
5 Uhlig Henri Alpecin-Deceuninck + 00
7 Märkl Niklas Team dsm-firmenich PostNL + 00
9 Müller Tobias Germany + 00


01 Milan Jonathan Lidl-Trek 04:19:23
02 Meeus Jordi Red Bull-BORA-hansgrohe + 09

03 Pedersen Mads Lidl-Trek + 11
04 Hayter Ethan INEOS Grenadiers + 13
05 Bissegger Stefan EF Education-EasyPost + 13
06 van Poppel Danny Red Bull-BORA-hansgrohe + 14
07 Steimle Jannik Q36.5 Pro Cycling Team + 15
08 Haller Marco Red Bull-BORA-hansgrohe + 15
09 Christen Fabio Q36.5 Pro Cycling Team + 16

10 Gelders Gil Soudal Quick-Step + 16

Jonathan Milan

Mads Pedersen
Plomi Fotos

Jordi Meeus sprintet in Heilbronn auf Platz zwei

Die 1. Etappe der Deutschland Tour entwickelte sich zum erwarteten Kampf zwischen den Puncheuren und Sprintern. Eine steile Rampe im Finale bot die Bühne für späte Attacken. Doch 4 Kilometer vor dem Ziel fand sich ein großes Peloton zusammen und es kam zum Sprint Royal in Heilbronn.
Red Bull – BORA – hansgrohe ergriff auf den letzten 200 Metern die Initiative. Danny van Poppel ging mit Jordi Meeus am Hinterrad an die Spitze des Rennens, Lidl-Trek folgte mit dem Grünen und Blauen Trikot. Der Schlagabtausch zwischen Jordi Meeus und Vortagessieger Jonathan Milan war eröffnet – Milan setzte sich durch, Jordi sprintete auf Platz zwei.

Durch die Zeitgutschrift schob sich Jordi Meeus auf den 2. Platz der Gesamtwertung vor und wird morgen stellvertretend das Grüne Trikot des Punktbesten tragen.

Jordi Meeus
“Es war ein ziemlich kontrollierter Tag. Im Finale gab es einen Anstieg, an dem ich zurückgefallen bin, aber meine Teamkollegen haben einen perfekten Job gemacht, um mich für den Sprint wieder in Position zu bringen. Marco und Danny waren im Finale für mich da und haben mich in eine perfekte Position gebracht. Aber einer war heute schneller.”

Max Walscheid im Community Jersey
Alle Fotos von Plomi

Lidl Deutschland Tour 2024 – Prolog in Schweinfurt

Drei Minuten durch Schweinfurt – Deutschland Tour beginnt mit Highspeed

„Same procedure as every year“. So könnte das Fazit nach dem Prolog der Deutschland Tour 2024 lauten. Gleich drei Fahrer von Red Bull – BORA – hansgrohe haben das kurze Auftaktzeitfahren in den Top 10 beendet. Genauso wie bereits vor einem Jahr. Erneut war Danny van Poppel der schnellste Fahrer des Teams.

Dieses Mal führte der Start des einzigen deutschen Etappenrennens durch Schweinfurt – dem Standort der größten Niederlassung von SRAM in Europa. Nur 2,9 Kilometer kurz, wurde der Prolog zur Intensivbelastung für alle Fahrer. Vollgas von der Startrampe bis zum Zielstrich. Mehr als 3 Minuten immer am Limit. Danny van Poppel absolvierte den Kurs in 3’20″86 und liegt knapp 4 Sekunden hinter Tagessieger Jonathan Milan auf dem 6. Platz. Marco Haller und Jordi Meeus waren keine Sekunde langsamer als Danny von Poppel und belegen Rang 8 und 9.

Danny van Poppel
“Es war gut, aber auch ziemlich hart. Ich glaube, ich habe die Tour de Pologne noch in den Beinen gespürt. Jetzt liegen wir auf einem guten Platz. Es ist ein realistischer Platz, weil es hier super gute Fahrer gibt. Ich bin glücklich und bin immer noch im Rennen um die Gesamtwertung.”

Marco Haller
“Ich mag diese kurzen Zeitfahren in der Stadt. Es war nicht so technisch wie im letzten Jahr, aber es war ein Kurs, der mir liegt. Mit der Leistung und der soliden Zeit bin ich sehr zufrieden. Es war gut, um die Beine in Schwung zu bringen.”

Milan und Pedersen feiern Doppelsieg zum Auftakt der Lidl Deutschland Tour 2024

Auf den Plätzen zwei und drei landeten mit Mads Pedersen (Lidl-Trek) und Maikel Zijlaard (Tudor Pro Cycling Team) dieselben Profis wie vor einem Jahr beim Prolog. Der erste Sieger der Lidl Deutschland Tour 2024 ist allerdings ein anderer. Jonathan Milan war auf dem 2,9 Kilometer langen Kurs durch Schweinfurt sieben Zehntel schneller als sein Teamkollege Pedersen und versüßte seinem Team damit den Auftakt.

Der 23 Jahre alte Norditaliener, der den Kurs mit einem Schnitt von mehr als 53 km/h absolvierte, übernimmt mit seinem ersten Tagessieg in Deutschland auch die Gesamtführung und damit das Blaue Trikot. Das Weiße Nachwuchstrikot geht ebenfalls an ihn, wird morgen aber stellvertretend von Zijlaard getragen. Grün, das ebenfalls Milan gehört, sitzt zur 1. Etappe auf den Schultern von Pedersen. Das über den Instagram-Account der Lidl Deutschland Tour durch Fans vergebene Community Trikot geht an Max Walscheid (Deutsche Nationalmannschaft). Er bekommt sein Trikot während der Einschreibung zur 1. Etappe überreicht.

Milan kam bei seinem Etappensieg die lange Vorbereitung auf die Olympischen Spiele zugute. In Paris war er an der Seite von Filippo Ganna (Ineos Grenadiers) Teil des Bahnvierers, der über eine Distanz von 4000 Metern Bronze in der Teamverfolgung erkämpfte. „Jetzt waren es drei Kilometer, ich hatte also eine sehr gute Vorbereitung“, sagte Milan in der Pressekonferenz nach dem Rennen. „Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit dem Ergebnis. Wir können das als Team auch sein. Mit Mads sind wir in einer guten Ausgangsposition. Wir sind beide in einer Superform und wollen versuchen, die Situation in den nächsten Tagen so zu halten oder zu verbessern. Die Lidl Deutschland Tour ist ein wichtiges Rennen für uns.“

Als erster Starter nahm Mauro Brenner (Lotto Kern-Haus PSD Bank) bei bestem Wetter und vor tausenden Zuschauern auf dem Schweinfurter Markt und entlang der Strecke durchs Stadtzentrum das Rennen auf, doch seine Richtzeit hatte kaum Bestand. Marco Haller (Red Bull – Bora – Hansgrohe) war mit 3:21 Minuten der Erste, der sich etwas länger im Hotseat niederlassen konnte. Ihn löste mit hauchdünnen sechs Hundertsteln Jannik Steimle (Q36.5 Pro Cycling Team) ab, der letztlich als Siebenter auch bester Deutscher wurde. Es brauchte einen Zeitfahrspezialisten wie Stefan Bissegger (EF Education – EasyPost), der Steimle verdrängte. Dann ging es Schlag auf Schlag. Erst drückte Ethan Hayter (Ineos Grenadiers) die Zeit nochmal, ehe Milan dann den Deckel draufmachte.


1. Milan, J. (Lidl-Trek) 03’16“
2. Pedersen M. (Lidl-Trek) +01“
3. Zijlaard M. (Tudor Pro Cycling Team) +02“

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1. Milan, J. (Lidl-Trek) 03’16“
2. Pedersen M. (Lidl-Trek) +01“
3. Zijlaard M. (Tudor Pro Cycling Team) +02“

Tour de France Femmes – Etappe 8

8. Etappe: Le Grand-Bornand – Alpe d’Huez – 150 Km

1 Demi VOLLERING TEAM SD WORX – PROTIME 04h 34′ 14“ – B : 10“
2 Pauliena ROOIJAKKERS FENIX-DECEUNINCK 04h 34′ 18“ + 00h 00′ 04“ B : 6“
3 Evita MUZIC FDJ-SUEZ 04h 35′ 15“ + 00h 01′ 01“ B : 4“ –
4 K. NIEWIADOMA CANYON//SRAM RACING 04h 35′ 15“ + 00h 01′ 01“ – –
5 G. REALINI LIDL – TREK 04h 35′ 45“ + 00h 01′ 31“ – –
6 C. KERBAOL CERATIZIT – WNT PRO CYCLING TEAM 04h 37′ 29“ + 00h 03′ 15“ – –
7 V. CAVALLAR ARKEA – B&B HOTELS WOMEN 04h 37′ 48“ + 00h 03′ 34“ – –
8 S. GIGANTE AG INSURANCE – SOUDAL TEAM 04h 39′ 24“ + 00h 05′ 10“ – –
9 N. FISHER-BLACK TEAM SD WORX – PROTIME 04h 39′ 28“ + 00h 05′ 14“ – –
10 L. BRAND LIDL – TREK 04h 41′ 20“ + 00h 07′ 06“ –


1 Katarzyna NIEWIADOMA CANYON//SRAM RACING 24h 36′ 07“ – B : 14“ –
2 Demi VOLLERING TEAM SD WORX – PROTIME 24h 36′ 11“ + 00h 00′ 04“ B : 26“ –
3 Pauliena ROOIJAKKERS FENIX-DECEUNINCK 24h 36′ 17“ + 00h 00′ 10“ B : 6“

4 E. MUZIC FDJ-SUEZ 24h 37′ 28“ + 00h 01′ 21“ B : 4“ –
5 G. REALINI LIDL – TREK 24h 38′ 26“ + 00h 02′ 19“ – P : 20“
6 C. KERBAOL CERATIZIT – WNT PRO CYCLING TEAM 24h 38′ 58“ + 00h 02′ 51“ B : 10“ –
7 S. GIGANTE AG INSURANCE – SOUDAL TEAM 24h 43′ 16“ + 00h 07′ 09“ – –
8 L. BRAND LIDL – TREK 24h 44′ 13“ + 00h 08′ 06“ – –
9 J. LABOUS TEAM DSM-FIRMENICH POSTNL 24h 44′ 14“ + 00h 08′ 07“ – –
10 T. DE JONG LOTTO DSTNY LADIES 24h 44′ 19“ + 00h 08′ 12“ – –

Yellow glory for Niewiadoma

The 8th and final stage of the 2024 Tour de France Femmes avec Zwift produced a thrilling finale on Alpe d’Huez with Kasia Niewiadoma (Canyon//SRAM Racing) securing the GC win as Demi Vollering (SD Worx-Protime) took the stage victory. Vollering rode incredibly to win the stage, followed across the line by Pauliena Rooijakkers (Fenix-Deceuninck) at 4”, with Evita Muzic (FDJ – SUEZ) third at 1’01” and Niewiadoma fourth, also at 1’01”, which was enough to secure the Yellow Jersey and GC glory for Niewiadoma by just 4”. Vollering therefore concluded the race in second place overall, with Rooijakkers completing the podium in third (10”) and Muzic fourth (1’21”).

A final battle commences
Shayla Gutierrez (Movistar), Barbara Malcotti (Human Powered Health), Marit Raaijmakers (Human Powered Health) and Josie Talbot (Cofidis) did not start the last stage. There were therefore 116 riders on the road as the peloton rolled out of Le Grand-Bornand ready for the 149.9 km challenge on the way to Alpe d’Huez, via Col du Glandon.

A big breakaway group
Ahead of the first categorised climb of the day – Col de Tamie (km 27.2, Cat. 2, 9.5km at 4%) – a strong 22 rider breakaway formed, comprising Mischa Bredewold, Christine Majerus, Blanka Vas, Lorena Wiebes (SD Worx-Protime), Franziska Koch (dsm-firmenich PostNL), Lucinda Brand (Lidl-Trek), Justine Ghekiere (AG Insurance-Soudal Team), Loes Adegeest (FDJ-Suez), Riejanne Markus, Fem Van Empel (Visma | Lease a Bike), Silke Smulders (Liv-AlUla-Jayco), Alice Maria Arzuffi (Ceratizit-WNT), Kristen Faulkner, Noemi Ruegg (EF-Oatly-Cannondale), Liane Lippert, Olivia Baril (Movistar), Silvia Persico, Erica Magnaldi (UAE Team ADQ), Katrine Aalerud, Mie Bjorndal Ottestad (Uno-X Mobilty), Camille Fahy and Celia Le Mouel (St-Michel-Mavic-Auber93).

Ghekiere presses on
At the top of the Tamie climb Ghekiere strengthened her position in the Mountain classification reaching the summit first, followed by Bredewold, Majerus and Adegeest. By the time the breakaway riders reached the intermediate sprint at km 53.4 at Aiguebelle (Val D’arc) they had a 2’50” gap over the bunch. Wiebes won the sprint, ahead of Majerus and Barrel. Approaching the Col du Glandon (km 98.5, HC,19.7km at 7.2%) the peloton accelerated and the gap to the break was quickly reduced to 1’30” as the climb started.

Moves on the Glandon
The likes of Faulkner, Fahy, Wiebes and Persico were dropped by the breakaway early on the Col du Glandon climb. 1’00” was the gap from the peloton to the front of the race 15.5 km from the summit of the Glandon, with Lippert, Brand, Magnaldi, Aalerud, Smulders, Arzuffi and Adegeest riding clear of the remainder of the breakaway, their former companions in the lead group dropping back into the bunch on the climb. Ghekiere was one of those who fell backwards on the ascent, then also dropping behind the peloton having expended so much energy in her epic win yesterday.

Vollering sets the race alight
Valentina Cavallar (Arkea – B&B Hotels Women) attacked from the main group and went solo at the front, overtaking what remained of the breakaway 5km from the summit of the Glandon. The race then exploded as Demi Vollering (SD Worx-Protime) distanced the wearer of the Yellow Jersey Kasia Niewiadoma (Canyon//SRAM Racing) with her first attack, 2.5 kilometers from the top of the Col du Glandon, with only Pauliena Rooijakkers (Fenix-Deceuninck) managing to follow the 2023 Tour winner, as they joined Cavallar at the front. Those three went over the summit 57” ahead of Niewiadoma, who was in a group with Gigante, Realini, Muzic, Brand and Kerbaol. As Puck Pieterse (Fenix-Deceuninck) was not one of the point-scoring first 8 riders over Glandon summit it confirmed the polka dot jersey for Ghekiere.

Tour de France Femmes – Etappe 7

1 Justine GHEKIERE AG INSURANCE – SOUDAL TEAM 04h 26′ 58“ – B : 10“
2 Maeva SQUIBAN ARKEA – B&B HOTELS WOMEN 04h 28′ 13“ + 00h 01′ 15“ B : 6“ –
3 Demi VOLLERING TEAM SD WORX – PROTIME 04h 28′ 21“ + 00h 01′ 23“ B : 4“
4 K. NIEWIADOMA CANYON//SRAM RACING 04h 28′ 21“ + 00h 01′ 23“ – –
5 E. MUZIC FDJ-SUEZ 04h 28′ 25“ + 00h 01′ 27“ – –
6 T. DE JONG LOTTO DSTNY LADIES 04h 28′ 26“ + 00h 01′ 28“ – –
7 P. PIETERSE FENIX-DECEUNINCK 04h 28′ 26“ + 00h 01′ 28“ – –
8 J. LABOUS TEAM DSM-FIRMENICH POSTNL 04h 28′ 26“ + 00h 01′ 28“ – –
9 P. ROOIJAKKERS FENIX-DECEUNINCK 04h 28′ 26“ + 00h 01′ 28“ – –
10 G. REALINI LIDL – TREK 04h 28′ 26“ + 00h 01′ 28“ – –


1 Katarzyna NIEWIADOMA CANYON//SRAM RACING 20h 00′ 52“ – B : 14“ –
2 Puck PIETERSE FENIX-DECEUNINCK 20h 01′ 19“ + 00h 00′ 27“ B : 12“ –
3 Cedrine KERBAOL CERATIZIT – WNT PRO CYCLING TEAM 20h 01′ 29“ + 00h 00′ 37“ B : 10“
4 J. LABOUS TEAM DSM-FIRMENICH POSTNL 20h 01′ 53“ + 00h 01′ 01“
5 T. DE JONG LOTTO DSTNY LADIES 20h 02′ 01“ + 00h 01′ 09“
6 S. VAN ANROOIJ LIDL – TREK 20h 02′ 04“ + 00h 01′ 12“ –
7 P. ROOIJAKKERS FENIX-DECEUNINCK 20h 02′ 05“ + 00h 01′ 13“
8 D. VOLLERING TEAM SD WORX – PROTIME 20h 02′ 07“ + 00h 01′ 15“ B : 16“
9 E. MUZIC FDJ-SUEZ 20h 02′ 17“ + 00h 01′ 25“
10 J. GHEKIERE AG INSURANCE – SOUDAL TEAM 20h 02′ 19“ + 00h 01′ 27“ B : 14“

Glorious Ghekiere conquers Grand-Bornand

Justine Ghekiere (AG Insurance – Soudal Team) triumphed on Stage 7 of the 2024 Tour de France Femmes avec Zwift, riding strongly to the finish at Le Grand-Bornand to cross the line 1’15” ahead of second-placed Maeva Squiban (Arkea – B&B Hotels Women). Ghekiere performed brilliantly in the polka dot jersey in the breakaway to strengthen her position in the Mountain classification and win the stage, with Squiban attacking from the main GC group behind her on the final climb but ultimately unable to reach her. Demi Vollering (SD Worx-Protime) concluded the stage third, though she was closely followed over the line by Kasia Niewiadoma (Canyon//SRAM Racing) in the Yellow Jersey, both riders finishing 1’23” behind the stage winner. Ahead of Sunday’s final stage from Le Grand-Bornand to Alpe d’Huez, via Col du Glandon, Niewiadoma still controls the Yellow Jersey, with a 27” advantage over Puck Pieterse (Fenix-Deceuninck) at the head of the GC, whilst Cedrine Kerbaol (CERATIZIT-WNT Pro Cycling) sits in third place at 37”. 2023 Tour winner Vollering goes into the last stage in 8th position overall, 1’15” behind the GC leader Niewiadoma.

Starting in Champagnole
There were 128 riders at the start of the stage, with Sofia Bertizzolo (UAE Team ADQ), Lily Williams (Human Powered Health) and Fauve Bastiaenssen (Lotto Dstny Ladies) withdrawn beforehand. This was the longest stage of the race and proved to be a fearsome test for the riders over the mountainous 166.4 km route from Champagnole to the spectacular finish at Le Grand-Bornand. Before the race reached Col de la Croix de la Serra (Km 57.8, Cat. 1, 12km at 5.1%) there were several unsuccessful attacks and the bunch stayed together. Then came the news that Charlotte Kool (dsm-firmenich PostNL) – who had worn the Yellow and green jerseys earlier in the Tour – had abandoned the race. At the top of the Croix de la Serra climb Puck Pieterse (Fenix-Deceuninck) led the way, ahead of Justine Ghekiere (AG Insurance – Soudal Team), but Pieterse did not join her polka dot rival Ghekiere in the breakaway which would soon form.

The breakaway goes
After the Croix de la Serra descent Marianne Vos (Team Visma | Lease a Bike) and Ghekiere pulled away with four other riders: Ghekiere’s teammate Julie Van de Velde, as well as Sara Martin (Movistar Team), Sarah Roy (Cofidis Women Team) and Ruth Edwards (Human Powered Health). Having taken the lead at the top of the second climb of the day – the Côte de Bois d’Arlod (Km 88, Cat. 4, 2.4km at 4.6%) – Ghekiere gained a 3-point provisional lead in the mountain classification over Pieterse. Descending after that climb, the breakaway pulled 2’15” clear of the peloton as the race headed to the intermediate sprint at Frangy (km 100.6).

Vos and Ghekiere power on
Vos was first at the intermediate sprint ahead of Van de Velde and Ghekiere, to provisionally secure the green jersey at this year’s Tour, repeating her success in the competition in 2022. Shortly after the sprint, on the Côte de Cercier climb (Km 111, Cat. 3, 4km at 4.9%) Ghekiere led the way again, in front of Van de Velde and Edwards, with the peloton reaching the summit 5’22” adrift. On the way to the Col de Saint-Jean-de-Sixt (Km 156, Cat. 2, 5.4km at 5.1%) time trial world champion Chloe Dygert (Canyon//SRAM Racing) reduced the gap to the race leaders at the head of the peloton, with the breakaway’s lead coming down to 4’25“ at 25 km from the finish.

Final two climbs
Early on the penultimate climb of the stage – Col de Saint-Jean-de-Sixt – the bunch had closed to within 3’00” of the escapees, as the GC favourites and their teams chased Vos and her companions down. The breakaway group fell apart on that climb with Ghekiere pulling away to secure five more QOM points, whilst Vos and Martin would reach the top just over a minute later and the bunch arrived at 2’22”. Meanwhile Kristen Faulkner (EF-Oatly-Cannondale) was distanced from the peloton on the same climb. So it was on towards the Montée du Chinaillon (Km 166.4, Cat. 2, 7km at 5.1%) for an exciting finale as the fans awaited at the finish at Le Grand-Bornand. Ghekiere pressed on alone on the final climb with several attacks and attempted attacks from the GC group behind her, though ultimately no-one could stop the flying 28 year-old Belgian from taking a well deserved victory.

Tour de France Femmes – Etappe 6

6. Etappe: Remiremont – Morteau – 159 Km

– B : 10“ –
2 Marianne VOS TEAM VISMA | LEASE A BIKE 04h 05′ 02“ + 00h 00′ 21“ B : 6“ –
3 Liane LIPPERT MOVISTAR TEAM 04h 05′ 02“ + 00h 00′ 21“ B : 4“ –
4 K. SWINKELS UAE TEAM ADQ 04h 05′ 02“ + 00h 00′ 21“ – –
5 L. BRAND LIDL – TREK 04h 05′ 02“ + 00h 00′ 21“ – –
6 K. NIEWIADOMA CANYON//SRAM RACING 04h 05′ 02“ + 00h 00′ 21“ – –
7 P. PIETERSE FENIX-DECEUNINCK 04h 05′ 02“ + 00h 00′ 21“ – –
8 T. DE JONG LOTTO DSTNY LADIES 04h 05′ 02“ + 00h 00′ 21“ – –
9 E. MUZIC FDJ-SUEZ 04h 05′ 02“ + 00h 00′ 21“ – –
10 J. LABOUS TEAM DSM-FIRMENICH POSTNL 04h 05′ 02“ + 00h 00′ 21“


1 Katarzyna NIEWIADOMA CANYON//SRAM RACING 15h 32′ 31“ – B : 14“
2 Cedrine KERBAOL CERATIZIT – WNT PRO CYCLING TEAM 15h 32′ 47“ + 00h 00′ 16“ B : 10“ –
3 Kristen FAULKNER EF – OATLY – CANNONDALE 15h 32′ 50“ + 00h 00′ 19“ – –
4 P. PIETERSE FENIX-DECEUNINCK 15h 32′ 53“ + 00h 00′ 22“ B : 12“ –
5 J. LABOUS TEAM DSM-FIRMENICH POSTNL 15h 33′ 27“ + 00h 00′ 56“ – –
6 T. DE JONG LOTTO DSTNY LADIES 15h 33′ 35“ + 00h 01′ 04“ – –
7 S. VAN ANROOIJ LIDL – TREK 15h 33′ 38“ + 00h 01′ 07“ – –
8 P. ROOIJAKKERS FENIX-DECEUNINCK 15h 33′ 39“ + 00h 01′ 08“ – –
9 L. LIPPERT MOVISTAR TEAM 15h 33′ 47“ + 00h 01′ 16“ B : 8“ –
10 D. VOLLERING TEAM SD WORX – PROTIME 15h 33′ 50“ + 00h 01′ 19“ B : 12“

Stunning finish gives Kerbaol Morteau win

It was an astonishing performance from 23 year-old French rider Cedrine Kerbaol of the CERATIZIT-WNT Pro Cycling Team to win Stage 6 of the 2024 Tour de France Femmes avec Zwift in Morteau. Kerbaol attacked from the bunch at the top of Côte des Fins with 14.5km to go, descending brilliantly from there to finally make it to the finish line 21” ahead of her closest challenger Marianne Vos (Team Visma | Lease a Bike), who concludes the day in the green jersey, with Liane Lippert (Movistar Team) just behind Vos in third. The results of the stage mean that Kasia Niewiadoma (Canyon//SRAM Racing) remains in yellow, 16” ahead of Kerbaol and 19” in front of Kristen Faulkner (EF-Oatly-Cannondale).

Early movers
133 riders started in Remiremont with Marta Lach (CERATIZIT-WNT Pro Cycling Team) unable to commence the stage due to illness. The day started well for Justine Ghekiere (AG Insurance – Soudal Team) as the Belgian led the bunch at the top of the first climb of the day on Col du Mont de Fourche (Km 11.7, Cat. 3, 3.2km at 5.9%). Shortly after that, by km 38, French time trial champion Audrey Cordon-Ragot (Human Powered Health) had established a 20″ lead alongside Iurani Blanco (Laboral Kutxa-Fundacion Euskadi), the pair riding clear at the front.

A big breakaway group
The breakaway first increased to 14 riders with the likes of Ghekiere, Fem van Empel (Team Visma | Lease a Bike), Franziska Koch (Team dsm-firmenich PostNL) and Christine Majerus (Team SD Worx – Protime) making it into the lead group. Then Marianne Vos (Team Visma | Lease a Bike), Niam Fisher-Black (SD Worx-Protime), Soraya Paladin (Canyon//SRAM Racing) and Grace Brown (FDJ-Suez) all boosted the ranks of the breakaway. The escapees had a lead of 2’35“ at km 79, meaning that Ghekiere, the best placed rider overall among the 18 leading women (15th at 1’56”), ‘virtually’ led the GC over Kasia Niewiadoma (Canyon//SRAM Racing). Though of course there was plenty of racing on the stage still to come…

Col de Ferriere climb
At Km 90 the Col de Ferriere (Cat. 4, 2.6km at 4.7%) climb began with the breakaway 2’10“ in front of the bunch. Ghekiere took the lead on the Ferriere summit to score two more points in the mountain classification ahead of Vos (1 pt), though soon after reaching the top those two sat up and let the rest of the break catch them again. Vos was then first over the intermediate sprint line located in Sancey, scoring 25 points in the sprinters‘ competition and provisionally going joint top of the ranking with the wearer of the green jersey Charlotte Kool (dsm-firmenich PostNL). Ghekiere was relentless and also took the maximum 3 points on the Côte de Laviron climb (Km 106, Cat. 3, 5.7km at 4.1%) virtually moving to the top of the climbers’ classification at that point.

Onto La Roche du Prêtre
Fisher-Black upped the pace on the penultimate climb of the day, La Roche-du-Prêtre (Km 133.1, Cat. 2, 5.5km at 5.6%), with Brown, Ghekiere, Paladin and Gutierrez the only riders initially able to hang on as the breakaway fell apart. Fisher-Black led at summit, ahead of Ghekiere and Brown, with the peloton by this stage trailing by 1’10” and with Ghekiere assured of wearing the polka dot jersey at the stage finale. On the final climb of the day – the Côte des Fins (Km 144.3, Cat. 3, 1.8km at 6.9%) – the last survivors in the breakaway were caught 16km from the finish.

Kerbaol goes clear
The wearer of the polka dot jersey Puck Pieterse (Fenix-Deceuninck) scored three points at the Côte des Fins summit, with Niewiadoma and Demi Vollering (SD Worx-Protime) following her in 2nd and 3rd positions respectively. Just after that, 14.5km from the finish Kerbaol attacked from the top of the Côte des Fins, distancing the only rider to stick her with initially Pauliena Rooijakkers (Fenix-Deceuninck) on the descent – going solo for the win. Kerbaol would not look back from there, flying over the final kilometres to the finish line, delighting the fans in Morteau to notch a first French win at the Tour since Jeannie Longo, who took her 24th and final stage success in Aix-les-Bains in 1989.

Tour de France Femmes – Etappe 5

1 VAS Blanka HUN Team SD Worx – Protime 03:46:51
2 NIEWIADOMA Katarzyna POL Canyon//SRAM Racing 00:00
3 LIPPERT Liane GER Movistar Team 00:00
4 FAULKNER Kristen USA EF-Oatly-Cannondale 00:00
5 NORSGAARD Emma DEN Movistar Team 00:08
6 BRAND Lucinda NED Lidl – Trek 00:11
7 KERBAOL Cédrine FRA CERATIZIT-WNT Pro Cycling Team 00:11
8 WIEBES Lorena NED Team SD Worx – Protime 00:28
9 VOS Marianne NED Team Visma | Lease a Bike 00:28
10 MUZIC Évita FRA FDJ – SUEZ 00:28


1 NIEWIADOMA Katarzyna POL Canyon//SRAM Racing 11:27:29
2 FAULKNER Kristen USA EF-Oatly-Cannondale 00:19
3 PIETERSE Puck NED Fenix-Deceuninck 00:22
4 KERBAOL Cédrine FRA CERATIZIT-WNT Pro Cycling Team 00:47
5 LABOUS Juliette FRA Team dsm-firmenich PostNL 00:56
6 DE JONG Thalita BEL Lotto Dstny Ladies 01:04
7 VAN ANROOIJ Shirin NED Lidl – Trek 01:07
8 ROOIJAKKERS Pauliena NED Fenix-Deceuninck 01:08
9 VOLLERING Demi NED Team SD Worx – Protime 01:19

It’s Vas in Amneville

It was a bittersweet victory for Blanka Vas (Team SD Worx – Protime) on Stage 5 of the 2024 Tour de France Femmes avec Zwift in Amneville, as the Hungarian outsprinted Katarzyna Niewiadoma (Canyon//SRAM Racing) and Liane Lippert (Movistar Team) to the line, with Kristen Faulkner (EF-Oatly-Cannondale) close by in fourth. A crash involving Vas’ teammate Demi Vollering and several other riders decimated the peloton with 6 km to go, with Vollering remounting but losing crucial time and control of the Yellow Jersey. Niewiadoma now leads the GC by 19” from Faulkner, with QOM leader Puck Pieterse (Fenix-Deceuninck) third at 22”. Vollering is now 9th overall, 1’19” off Niewiadoma, having lost 1’47″ after her crash.

Starting from Bastogne
The cycling hotspot of Bastogne was the setting for the start of Stage 5 as 137 riders commenced the day’s action, which would see the peloton cover 152.5km, taking on five categorised climbs on the route to Amneville. Elena Pirrone (Roland) first and then counter-attacker Michaela Drummond (Arkea-B&B Hotels) were the early movers, arriving together at the summit of the first categorised climb of the day (Côte de Hotte – Km 14.1, Cat. 3, 1.2km at 7.9%) approximately 20” ahead of the bunch, which was led over the top by Silvia Persico (UAE Team ADQ). Pirrone and Drummond were caught by the peloton shortly after they descended the Côte de Hotte.

Attacks before the Côte de Saint-Pancré
There were several short-lived breakaway attempts as the riders made their way to the second categorised climb of the day, but the peloton tightly controlled the potential escapees. That was the case until the Finn Wilma Aintila (Lotto Dstny Ladies) attacked after an hour of racing and she was soon joined by Amandine Fouquenet (Arkéa-B&B Hotels) at the front. After her earlier assault Pirrone went on the move again and joined Aintila and Fouquenet to form an attacking trio in the breakaway, creating a 35″ gap by km 65. Just after the race entered France (km 64.5) a group of 15 counter attackers tried to reach the front three, with the peloton responding. As the riders got to the start of the Côte de Saint-Pancré climb (Km 69.6, Cat. 4, 1.5km at 3.9%) the three breakaway riders were caught.

Pieterse shines
Puck Pieterse (Fenix-Deceuninck) reinforced her position in the QOM ranking in her polka dot jersey by taking the lead at the top of the Côte de Saint-Pancré climb (Km 69.6, Cat. 4, 1.5km at 3.9%) for two more points, just ahead of Justine Ghekiere (1 point). FDJ-Suez then stepped up the attacks and ended up finding an opening with Loes Adegeest, 3rd in the Rotterdam time trial. She was 15″ ahead of the bunch at the top of the Côte de Fermont (Km 79, Cat. 4, 1.5km at 4.6%), with the main group led by Persico at the summit. A second group in which Charlotte Kool (dsm-firmenich PostNL) was riding reached the Fermont summit just over a minute behind the GC leaders. Julie Van de Velde (AG Insurance-Soudal Team) and double cyclo-cross World Champion Fem van Empel (Visma | Lease a Bike) joined forces with Adegeest 67.5 km from the finish and soon built up a lead of over a minute, whilst Kool and her group re-joined the peloton.

Intermediate sprint
Before the intermediate sprint at Mercy-Le-Haut (km 105.8), though, Kool was in trouble again, dropping to more than two minutes behind the bunch. Lorena Wiebes (SD Worx-Protime) won the bunch sprint for 13 important points, crossing the intermediate line in fifth place, behind the breakaway three and counter-attacker Maëva Squiban (Arkea – B&B Hotels Women), with Squiban soon caught again by the GC group. It had been Van de Velde who won the intermediate sprint, ahead of Adegeest and Van Empel and with 30km to go a 2’17” advantage gave the three riders at the front the hope that they could make it to the finish to contest the victory between them.

Montois-la-Montagne climb
However, by the time Van de Velde, Van Empel and Adegeest approached the Montois-la-Montagne climb (Cat. 4, 1.7km at 6%) their lead over the peloton was down to just 48″, with Movistar Team increasing the pace of the peloton. That gap was just 24” at the summit, which Van Empel reached first. The big accident involving Vollering with 6 km to go shook up the GC, whilst Adegeest was the last of the breakaway riders to be caught – as 9 riders who had moved ahead of the split peloton after the crash reached her with 2.3km to go. On the final straight Vas was too strong for Niewiadoma, Lippert and Faulkner to take the win on a difficult day for her team.

Tour de France Femmes – Etappe 4

4. Etappe: Valkenburg – Liège – 123 Km

1 PIETERSE Puck NED Fenix-Deceuninck 03:12:28
2 VOLLERING Demi NED Team SD Worx – Protime 00:00
3 NIEWIADOMA Katarzyna POL Canyon//SRAM Racing 00:00
4 PIENAAR Kimberley MRI AG Insurance – Soudal Team 00:29
5 RÜEGG Noemi SUI EF-Oatly-Cannondale 00:29
6 DE JONG Thalita BEL Lotto Dstny Ladies 00:29
7 MUZIC Évita FRA FDJ – SUEZ 00:29
8 VAN ANROOIJ Shirin NED Lidl – Trek 00:29
9 FISHER-BLACK Niamh NZL Team SD Worx – Protime 00:29
10 MEIJERING Mareille NED Movistar Team 00:29


1 VOLLERING Demi NED Team SD Worx – Protime 07:40:10
2 PIETERSE Puck NED Fenix-Deceuninck 00:22
3 NIEWIADOMA Katarzyna POL Canyon//SRAM Racing 00:34
4 FAULKNER Kristen USA EF-Oatly-Cannondale 00:47
5 LABOUS Juliette FRA Team dsm-firmenich PostNL 00:56
6 ROOIJAKKERS Pauliena NED Fenix-Deceuninck 01:03
7 PIENAAR Kimberley MRI AG Insurance – Soudal Team 01:03
8 DE JONG Thalita BEL Lotto Dstny Ladies 01:04
9 KERBAOL Cédrine FRA CERATIZIT-WNT Pro Cycling Team 01:04
10 VAN ANROOIJ Shirin NED Lidl – Trek 01:07

Liege glory for Pieterse

Stage 4 of the 2024 Tour de France Femmes avec Zwift was won by Puck Pieterse (Fenix-Deceuninck) who produced a powerful performance over the hilly 122.7 km route from Valkenberg to the Quai des Ardennes in Liege. In an exciting finale Pieterse took a brilliant first win, just beating Yellow Jersey Demi Vollering (SD Worx-Protime) to the line in a photo finish, with Katarzyna Niewiadoma (Canyon//Sram Racing) crossing the line in third place. In wet conditions in Belgium it was the final Côte de la Roche-aux-Faucons climb which proved decisive and the result leaves Vollering top of the GC by 22” from Pieterse, with Niewiadoma third overall at 34”.

Amstel Gold Race climbs
There were 144 starters for Stage 4, with Elise Chabbey (Canyon//SRAM Racing), Clara Emond (EF-Oatly-Cannondale), Christina Schweinberger (Fenix-Deceuninck) not taking the start. Over the first four categorised climbs of the day which are firm fixtures in the Amstel Gold Race route – Bemelerberg (km 6.6, Cat. 4, 1.3km at 4.9%), Cauberg (km 12.8, Cat. 3, 0.7km at 8%), Geulhemmerberg (km 17.8, Cat. 4, 1.1km at 5.1%) & Bemelerberg (km 23.4, Cat. 4, 1.3km at 4.9%) – it was Silvia Persico (UAE Team ADQ) who dominated the proceedings, topping each summit in first place, to move into the virtual lead of the Mountain classification.

Martin goes solo
After that hilly start Sara Martin (Movistar) went solo at the front and soon built up a 1’15“ lead over the peloton at km 41. Upon reaching Aubel, at km 43.3, the Tour de France Femmes avec Zwift left the Netherlands to enter Belgium and the climbs so familiar from Liege-Bastogne-Liege awaited. Laura Tomasi (Laboral Kutxa – Fundación Euskadi) briefly went on the counter-attack, chasing Martin, but she was soon reeled back in. After solo attacker Martin was first through the intermediate sprint at Pepinster (km 67.5), Charlotte Kool (dsm-firmenich PostNL) was the first of the bunch in the sprint in her green jersey, ahead of Lorena Wiebes (SD Worx-Protime).

Martin caught on Mont-Theux
The race was briefly stopped at a level crossing before the Mont-Theux climb (Km 74.8, Cat. 3, 2.8km at 5.6%) with the commissaires neutralising the bunch to fairly maintain Martin’s lead. But once onto that climb Martin would not last much longer in the lead and she was caught by the main group 500m from the top. Yara Kastelijn (Fenix-Deceuninck) went over the top of the Mont-Theux climb first, followed by Justine Ghekiere (AG Insurance – Soudal Team) and Sarah Gigante (AG Insurance – Soudal Team). Behind the climbers and GC favourites the peloton was split into several groups with Wiebes in one group, polka dot jersey wearer Cristina Tonetti (Laboral Kutxa – Fundación Euskadi) in a third group and Kool in a fourth.

Onto ‘la Redoute’
At the top of the Côte de la Redoute (km 88.8, Cat. 2, 1.6km at 9.4%) Pieterse from the Fenix-Deceuninck team led a peloton reduced to around 15 riders, with Niewiadoma, Vollering and Kimberley Le Court (AG Insurance – Soudal Team), 2nd, 3rd and 4th respectively on that climb. Belgian rider Ghekiere from AG Insurance-Soudal took the lead ahead of Kastelijn and Gigante at the top of the Côte des Forges (Km 99.6, Cat. 3, 1.3km at 7.8%) pressing on hard on the descent and soon moving 20” ahead of the bunch.

Final Roche-aux-Faucons climb
Indeed 20” was Ghekiere’s lead starting the Côte de la Roche-aux-Faucons climb (km 109.4, Cat. 2, 1.3km at 11%) but she was caught by a severely reduced main group 330m from the summit, with Vollering herself setting a fearsome pace in yellow on the ascent. Pieterse took the lead at the summit of Roche-aux-Faucons ahead of Niewiadoma, Vollering and Pauliena Rooijakkers (Fenix-Deceuninck) and they soon forced a 10″ gap over the rest of the diminished main group. With less than 10km to go it was just Pieterse, Niewiadoma and Vollering at the front, 30″ ahead. In the end it was Pieterse who had the power to get to the finish line first and she also ended the day top of the mountain classification.

Tour de France Femmes – Etappen 1 bis 3

1. Etappe: Rotterdam – The Hague – 123 Km

1 KOOL Charlotte NED Team dsm-firmenich PostNL 02:47:40
2 AHTOSALO Anniina FIN Uno-X Mobility 00:00
3 BALSAMO Elisa ITA Lidl – Trek 00:00 3
4 HENTTALA Lotta FIN EF-Oatly-Cannondale 00:00
5 VOS Marianne NED Team Visma | Lease a Bike 00:00
6 PIKULIK Daria POL Human Powered Health 00:00
7 DE ZOETE Mylène GBR CERATIZIT-WNT Pro Cycling Team 00:00
8 PIENAAR Kimberley MRI AG Insurance – Soudal Team 00:00
9 FAHLIN Emilia SWE Arkéa – B&B Hotels Women 00:00
10 VAS Blanka HUN Team SD Worx – Protime 00:00
11 SCHWEINBERGER Kathrin AUT CERATIZIT-WNT Pro Cycling Team 00:00
12 NORSGAARD Emma DEN Movistar Team 00:00
13 TON Quinty NED Liv AlUla Jayco 00:00
14 SWINKELS Karlijn NED UAE Team ADQ 00:00
15 BARIL Olivia CAN Movistar Team 00:00

2. Etappe: Dordrecht – Rotterdam – 68 Km

1 KOOL Charlotte NED Team dsm-firmenich PostNL 01:32:49 43,89
2 WIEBES Lorena NED Team SD Worx – Protime 00:00
3 VOS Marianne NED Team Visma | Lease a Bike 00:00
4 HENTTALA Lotta FIN EF-Oatly-Cannondale 00:00
5 BALSAMO Elisa ITA Lidl – Trek 00:00
6 BARBIERI Rachele ITA Team dsm-firmenich PostNL 00:00

3. Etappe: Rotterdam – Rotterdam – ITT – 6,3 Km

1 VOLLERING Demi NED Team SD Worx – Protime 00:07:25
2 DYGERT Chloe NOR Canyon//SRAM Racing 00:05
4 KERBAOL Cédrine FRA CERATIZIT-WNT Pro Cycling Team 00:05
5 FAULKNER Kristen USA EF-Oatly-Cannondale 00:06
6 VAN DIJK Ellen NED Lidl – Trek 00:07
7 WIEBES Lorena NED Team SD Worx – Protime 00:09
8 BREDEWOLD Mischa AUS Team SD Worx – Protime 00:10
9 NORSGAARD Emma DEN Movistar Team 00:10
10 HENDERSON Anna GBR Team Visma | Lease a Bike 00:12

1 VOLLERING Demi NED Team SD Worx – Protime 04:27:54
2 WIEBES Lorena NED Team SD Worx – Protime 00:03
3 DYGERT Chloe NOR Canyon//SRAM Racing 00:05
5 KOOL Charlotte NED Team dsm-firmenich PostNL 00:05
6 KERBAOL Cédrine FRA CERATIZIT-WNT Pro Cycling Team 00:05
7 FAULKNER Kristen USA EF-Oatly-Cannondale 00:06
8 VAN DIJK Ellen NED Lidl – Trek 00:06
9 BREDEWOLD Mischa AUS Team SD Worx – Protime 00:09

Victory and yellow for Vollering
Demi Vollering (Team SD Worx – Protime) took the victory on the third stage of the 2024 Tour de France Femmes avec Zwift with a sublime ITT performance in Rotterdam, to seize control of the Yellow Jersey. Vollering’s best time of 7’25”14 gave her the win by 5”21 from World time trial champion Chloe Dygert (Canyon//SRAM Racing), whilst Loes Adegeest (FDJ-Suez) was third by 5”38 from her compatriot Vollering. The superb time trial exhibition by Vollering around Rotterdam’s city streets puts her back in the Yellow Jersey again as she now leads by 3” from her colleague Lorena Wiebes (Team SD Worx – Protime) with Dygert third overall, trailing Vollering by 5”.
Extended Highlights – Stage 3 – Tour de France Femmes avec Zwift 2024

Adegeest sets down a marker
147 riders took part in the ITT, after a crash this morning during the 2nd stage meant the Frenchwoman Dilyxine Miermont (St-Michel-Mavic-Auber93) could not take part. That was the 6th abandon since the start of the Tour. Just under an hour into the time trial Dutchwoman Loes Adegeest (FDJ-Suez) became the first rider to complete the course at an average speed of over 50 km /h, going provisionally top with a time of 7’30”, which put her 14” ahead of previous leader Elena Pirrone (Roland).

World time trial champion
As the 101st rider to start, World time trial champion Chloe Dygert (Canyon//SRAM Racing) moved into the provisional lead by just 0.17s, taking over from Adegeest in the lead. The winner of the 2023 Tour de France Femmes avec Zwift Demi Vollering (Team SD Worx – Protime) then took over at the top as she completed the course 5″ faster than Dygert, with the ‘Oranje’ fans cheering her on.

The big stars do battle
The final riders to start were of course those who had performed best in the opening two stages, with the excited Dutch crowds eager to see who could potentially outpace Vollering. In the Yellow Jersey in front of the vociferous spectators who lined the course in Rotterdam, Charlotte Kool (Team dsm-firmenich-PostNL) was the last rider to start. However, Kool would ultimately finish 25” down on Vollering in 33rd place, ceding the Yellow Jersey to her fellow Dutchwoman.

Olympic Games Road Race – Frauen – 158 Km

1 FAULKNER Kristen USA United States 03:59:23
2 VOS Marianne NED Netherlands 00:58
3 KOPECKY Lotte BEL Belgium 00:58

4 VAS Blanka HUN Hungary 00:58
5 GEORGI Pfeiffer GBR Great Britain 01:21
6 GARCÍA Mavi ESP Spain 01:23
7 RÜEGG Noemi SUI Switzerland 02:04
8 NIEWIADOMA Katarzyna POL Poland 02:44
9 LONGO BORGHINI Elisa ITA Italy 03:05
10 LACH Marta POL Poland 03:27
11 WIEBES Lorena NED Netherlands 03:31
12 DEIGNAN Elizabeth GBR Great Britain 03:34
13 HENDERSON Anna GBR Great Britain 03:34
14 ANDERSSON Caroline SWE Sweden 03:34
15 DYGERT Chloe USA United States 03:40
16 LIPPERT Liane GER Germany 04:04
17 MAJERUS Christine LUX Luxembourg 05:00
18 CHABBEY Elise SUI Switzerland 05:00
19 JACKSON Alison CAN Canada 05:00
20 LELEIVYTĖ Rasa LTU Lithuania 05:00
21 GÅSKJENN Ingvild NOR Norway 05:00
22 HANSON Lauretta AUS Australia 05:00
23 BROWN Grace AUS Australia 05:00
24 GHEKIERE Justine BEL Belgium 05:00
25 CECCHINI Elena ITA Italy 05:00
26 YONAMINE Eri JPN Japan 05:00
27 BERTEAU Victoire FRA France 05:00
28 SCHWEINBERGER Christina AUT Austria 05:00
29 LUDWIG Cecilie Uttrup DEN Denmark 05:00
30 BERG EDSETH Marte NOR Norway 05:00